Life interrupted…

I will be the first to admit, I hate it when my life becomes interrupted by something or someone unannounced. I am a planner and a free spirit, but I only enjoy the latter when I choose to be it. I totally get that in this life one day you could be high in the clouds, then suddenly the walls can cave in. Thus, when I’m having a great day I try to maximize on the feeling because you just never know what could happen the next day. 

My life is busy, but whose isnt? I’m pretty sure there are those who would love to trade places with me due to their hetic schedules. But, in my little world I can only express my feeling of running around like a headless chicken. 

I work a full time job, I am a mother/uber driver to my two children and now a new wife. On the side, I am in the midst of writing a novel (my 8th book), starting a non profit for children, getting ready to join a new church (which is mega by the way,) and volunteering at an elderly facility. Some of my buziness to others may seem self inflicted, but I believe I was created for more than just going to work everyday for someone else, being a mom and a wife. I have gifts within me and not sharing them with the world, to me is a waste of God’s time in creating me. God created us for so much more than the usual routine. I want to honor God with my gifts and talents, but sometimes that means there will be interruptions. 

Did I mention how much I hate interruptions.

There will be times when I need it quiet so I can focus on my writing, but at times the children nor the hubby adheres to my level of no noise. 

There will be times when my vision is to just go home after work, cook dinner for my children and rest while reading. Yet, the television is blarring at home, the children are fussing with one another or I need to clean or do laundry.

Or the time when I was pregnant with my first born. Shortly after purchasing a new home, I was out on hospital bed rest, then ended up having the baby early. Wasn’t prepared for that to say the least. Especially since he was born during the “anthrax”  scare and his baby shower invites didn’t make it to anyone. 

Interruptions are enevtible and I get that. But, I will be the first to admit a change in direction is hard on me. I want to do things my way without any detours. Don’t we all?? 

But what God is teaching me is that regardless of what I think or feel the main thing is that I trust him completely because he knows the direction he is leading me into. 

I just can’t see the destination and that’s frustrating. 

Yes, I got frustrated due to getting caught by that light, but God saw an accident getting ready to occur and he allowed me to miss it by being caught by the light. Yes, I got frustrated because the store didn’t have that particular item I wanted to buy, but God saw a bill coming in the mail for an amount around the exact amount I would have paid for that item. One thing I missed out on, covered a surprise bill. Look at God at work. 

So yes sudden interruptions can be quite annoying, but we must practice looking at each situation with what is God trying to teach me? 

I want to encourage you (and even myself) to not get so bent out of shape due to an interruption. Ride the wave because it may have come to teach you something very valuable or to protect you from something. 

Helping Children

One day as I was watching the Steve Harvey show, I asked God what can I do to help those in need. I am a true believer that we are placed on this earth to make a difference in someone else’s life. Thus, I began to pray. And God eventually showed me the area in which he wanted me to leave his love imprint. 

For those who don’t know me, I love children. While others connect to animals, anything computer related and etc. I personally relate to children. So when God gave me the vision to help celebrate the lives of children I was estatic. Then he showed me how. 

Statistics reveal that one in thirty children are homeless. To me that’s way too many children who are celebrate on the day of their birth. (This number does not include children whose parents simply can’t afford to hold a birthday party. Or, those whose parents don’t believe in celebrating birthdays.)

Thus, my non profit organization was birthed. The goal is to have birthday parties for children in shelters and in low income situations. I’m super excited about helping others. I look forward to seeing the smiles on different children’s faces as they are celebrated and allowed the opportunity to feel special, even if it’s only for two hours. 

Currently, I am working with a company to help with my start up paperwork so I can be tax exempt. Currently, I am seeking funds to pay this company so that my dream becomes a reality. 
Would you consider donating? Would you consider spreading the word to those in your circle and those who read your blog post? That you in advance. I Really appreciate you! 

Click here to donate

15 Things You Didn’t Know About Me. 

So, I recently read the blog below and it inspired me to write my own list so my blog readers could learn alittle about me.


So here we go…

1. As a child I was afraid of the dark. Now I need complete darkness to sleep. 

2. I have OCD. 

3. On time to me is being late. All my clocks are set 5-10mins ahead of the actually time. 

4. I go to bed by 9pm at the latest every night. 

5. I wrote and directed my first play when I was a senior in high school. 

6. I had my first book signing when I was a freshmen in college. 

7. My children are the result of an internet marriage. 

8. I am always cold. I sleep with a comforter all year long. 

9. My favorite food is pizza. I hope there is pizza in Heaven

 10. My favorite store is Wal-Mart. I hope there is Wal-Mart in Heaven. 

11. I’ve written and published 7 books. 

12. I HATE BUGS!! (What’s the point of roaches again??)

13. The first thing I look at on a person are their teeth. 

14. I hate to see boogers in people’s noses. I pick my kids noses daily. 

15. I’m starting a non profit to help children. 

Well…here’s a little about me. Hope you enjoyed my list. 

My love for children…my journey to start a non profit. 

One day I asked God how could I make a difference in this world? With so much saddness going on around us, how could little ole’ me bring a smile to someone else’s face? Then he told me…

You see, I love children. I would of had more than the two I have, but I quickly learned where babies came from and I wasn’t too sold on the idea. Sorry I digressed! 

As I sat watching t.v., something I rarely do, I prayed and listened. God showed me a vision of celebrating with children on their birth day. These particular children I was to celebrate with were not your typical children. Rather, these children would be from low income homes or those living in shelters. 

I was blessed to grow up in a home and my birthday was celebrated every year by my mom. But, so often these children are overlooked due to finances or other reasons. 

This is why I wanted to start a non profit organization geared towards surprising these children with a personalized birthday party. 

This organization is still in the developing stage because with everything comes a cost. Would you please be a blessing to me and the future children I plan to celebrate by giving a donation towards the filing fees with lawyers and the IRS? Any amount would truly be a blessing. Thank you again and I’m super excited about what is about to take place in the lives of children.

If you would like to help me on this journey please Click on link below.

Black Man/Black Woman

I am a black women, who has dated, loved, cherished, supported, protected and even married a black man. I see so many post about how black women need to be there for their black men. But, when will our black men be there for our black women? 

Many black women are single mothers holding it down without any help from the fathers. While working full time and going to school, the black woman never gets a chance to sit and chill. She is constantly trying to find a way to help her children, her family and herself. She has to be the backbone of the family, the prayer warrior, the provider, the one who kisses her children’s boo boo’s when they hurt themselves. 

The black woman is expected to be strong even when she’s tired and wants to give up. Despite being abused and disrespected by people, she has to keep her head lifted high with dignity. Sometimes even with a man present in her life, she has to do everything, pay for everything with no help from him. 

Cause he’s on the come up and we as black women “need” to support our black men…

But when will the Black Man begin to support, love, cherish and respect the Black woman? When will they grow up and stop being a man child who depends on females for things they should be doing? When will black men focus on legal means to provide for their family so their black woman can be there for the children and make sure they are geared for succeess? When will the Black Man stop abusing the Black woman with their words and actions? When will the Black men raise their black sons to be future leaders and providers?

When will black men start showing their daughters how they should be treated? Not as hoes, but as queens. Love first starts in the home. 

Yes, the ratio of women out weigh that of men. But, I say to my black man, pick only one black woman and love her unconditionally. Love her like your life depended on it. Be there for her and lift her up when she feels depleted. Pray for your woman and provide for her. Be able to stand before God and say you valued the gift he blessed you with. Be able to say she never questioned your trust and that at any point you would have given your life for her. Be able to tell God that you never put anyone else before her and she knew she was appreciated. 

I love my black men. I have black children. I married a black man. I love, protect, cherish, respect and support my black man. But black men…you have to do better!