My 2015 Journey

So far 2015 has been very good. God has blessed my family to begin building a new home this year. It’s so exciting watching the different stages it’s going through. We have doors, a roof and windows. Never thought those things would excite me, but now I see they really do.


To finally have a home to raise my boys in is an answered prayer. They are getting bigger and they need more space. They will have their own rooms and they’ve already decided how they want to decorate them. Our new house will also have a game room in which we all can kick back and chill. We can either watch movies or have family game night. We love board games.

2015 has already involved getting to know a new guy. We met on the internet in December and have been courting since. He’s a really awesome person who really is interested in getting to know not only me, but also my boys. He’s a single parent too, so he understands the daily struggles with working and raising children.

With him, each day is better than the one before. He never ceases to amaze me. He brings balance to my life and for that I am grateful.